“Terms and Conditions” shall apply to  all aspects of use of the online store www.ext.com.ng 

 To upload  your product on ext.com.ng online store you need to submit your cac papers eg limited certificate or business name certificate by filling out  a simple form and  to be completed  by uploading your cac certificate with a passport size photo this is only applicable to registered company owners, for those who don't have a registered company will be required to provide any of the accepted national identification and a passport size photo eg NIN,international passport,drivers license

The above requirement is very vital in establishing a proper relationship that will involve trust remember that we will sell your product on our platform and will  remit your funds back,you see the reason why we need a clean details

ext under 48 hours will review your submitted  document to be approved or not 

Ext will receive commission agreed on between him (ext) and the product owner  on every transaction of every product or price mark up as would have been agreed by both parties ie (ext and the product owners

For now there will be a  advert of product from ext.com.ng online store to our blog and to other social media network for free what advantage you have in patronizing ext.com.ng as your online store vendor